Thursday, October 22, 2009

16 June 2009 (Archive)

What does summertime at Revival Town look like? The sun is setting behind the mountains as the giant window shades of the chapel open up. Light is streaming in on the older and the younger, dancing side by side. Praise is lifted- an eruption of spontaneous song. Tonight, our songs are synonymous with our cries and prayers.

“Holy. Awesome. Worthy. No one else like You.”

We began asking, “What moves us?” Throwing down little idols we had enthroned on our hearts. Oh, God, we long to be fascinated with you. Give us a greater marvel for your Word, your personality, and the way your have orchestrated human history.

“Fill our eyes with your beauty.”

God does not see numbers; He doesn’t see a crowd. He sees each face, each soul, and each person. We began praying for the individual cries in this body. We gathered in groups around prayer requests submitted by people from New Life. We contended for peoples’ real stories, authentic desperation, and families in need of healing.

Pastor Ross Parsley led us in intercession for the upcoming conferences. We asked that the Ascent Pastor’s Conference would affect hearts exponentially, and that God would open doors that no man could shut (Revelation 3:8). We prayed for the Desperation conference, that the trajectory of young lives would be changed. “May miracles mark next week.”

For freedom,
For love,
For healing.

You live in us; with this life

We will dance.

An outpouring of radiant joy as an offering from your beloved

We trample upon that which you have defeated.

We dance

In the river,

In your Spirit.

It is for freedom that you

Set us free.

When we own no more strength,
When our bodies are weak and devastated,
When darkness presses against us,

We dance.

When your love bursts within our throats,
When your goodness is the only thought we know,

When gratitude is the only expression on our tongues,

We dance.