Thursday, October 22, 2009

22 September 2009 (Archive)

Missionary Hudson Taylor once said, "God isn't looking for people of great faith, but for individuals ready to follow Him."

Tonight, Revival Town is joined by missionary Britt Hancock and his family who are in the United States from the mountains of Mexico. Their ministry has seen countless people delivered and healed and hundreds raised from the dead. Tonight, he prays over us with a burning desire for passion to be awakened in our hearts.

David Perkins requests that everyone in the room who has a calling to pursue ministry overseas come to the front of the chapel to receive prayer. Britt challenges us: Do not simply respond to another altar call, only to return to your seat and your routine once again. That, he tells us, is what cowards do. "Don't be a coward. Cowards go to hell!"

Admittedly, the words are more abrasive than we may be used to hearing, but the heart behind such a confrontation is clear. There are no intentions here to bully or guilt God's beloved. Rather, there is a righteous desire for the people of God to catch the heart of God for the ones He is so passionately pursuing. There is a lost and dying world beyond the doors of our church, and we carry the hope of God for them. At times, we must be challenged with the shouting of rough words that, like sandpaper, shape us more fully into the representation of Christ we are to be in our generation.

As we leave the chapel, we walk with wild grins, with a determination in our steps, and with fire in our eyes. We are ready to follow Him.