Thursday, October 22, 2009

15 September 2009 : He Loves Us (Archive)

Outside, rain is pouring from cloudy grey skies. Inside, the Desperation Band is running through the final stages of their sound check before Revival Town, preparing to play songs from their new album “Light Up the World,” which the R-Town family prayed for the week before. Jeremiah Parks, the upperclassmen pastor for _tag Student Ministries, will be leading the prayer meeting.

As Revival Town begins, Jeremiah invites us to take a few moments to reflect on our lives and repent before God for every way we have lived that does not look like Him. We are humbled by our brokenness before such a flawless Lord; yet we are reminded of His endless love for us in spite of our unfaithfulness, and we are compelled to respond to Him in praise. We begin to sing.

As Jeremiah and the other leaders continue to share Scriptures and prayers throughout the night, the message God is communicating to us becomes very clear: He is saying again and again, “I love you!” He tells us that we are His children, the ones creation eagerly awaits (Romans 8:19). All we are, all we do—everything stems from the revelation of our loving Father.

We must have heard the words “God loves you” a hundred times before this night, and we will surely hear them again hereafter, but the reality of this truth sinks into the spirits of His beloved across the room. Some begin to weep, overwhelmed by the undeserved affection of God. Others jump and dance, overjoyed to know their identity found in Christ. Many stream forward for prayer, seeking revelation and comfort. The Father gives it in abundance.

Our hearts are still craving revival and rejuvenation in our city. We have not deviated from this longing by soaking in the revelation of the Father's love. Rather, as we understand how great our God is and how fully He loves us, we are more prepared than ever to carry His Kingdom to Colorado Springs.

We are His portion and He is our prize,
Drawn to redemption by the grace in His eyes.

If grace is an ocean, we’re all sinking.

So Heaven meets Earth like a sloppy wet kiss,

And my heart turns violently inside of my chest.

I don’t have time to maintain these regrets

When I think about the way He loves us.

- 'How He Loves,' John Mark McMillan