Thursday, October 22, 2009

29 September 2009 (Archive)

Moses prayed, ""If your Presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here. How will anyone know that you are pleased with me and with your people unless you go with us? What else will distinguish me and your people from all the other people on the face of the earth?...Now show me your glory."(Exodus 33)

This was the cry of the hundreds who gathered in the Prayer Center chapel and humbled themselves before God: "Send Your glory!"

God swept us off our feet with an awareness of His majesty, and we responded with knees bent, hands raised, and tears streaming. We were overtaken by the wonder of all He is. Holy. Lovely. Majestic. Strong. True. Faithful. Everything. We sat in silence for several moments and allowed the revelation that God was bringing us to sink into our spirits.

David Perkins stepped onto the stage and introduced us to a new move of prayer in which we will be engaging every week. Using a map of the world, we will systematically pray for several countries every week. After thirty-one weeks, we will have prayed on behalf of every nation in the world.

Several members of Revival Town prayed short prayers over the countries for which we were interceding this week. Though they involved few words, the passion for a dying world which could be heard from the hearts of these intercessors was raw and strong. As we had prayed for ourselves, we now prayed for the world: "Send Your glory."